LIST: How To Recharge Your Social Battery

Relax, refresh and recharge in office

Photo: ymgerman / iStock / Getty Images

When any of these things happen, it’s so important for some self-care. You need to recharge and regroup. What are some ways you can do this?

  1. Schedule some all-important alone time
  2. Try some solo hobbies
  3. Take a walk and get some fresh air
  4. Limit your time on social media and in front of screens
  5. Practice mindfulness or meditation
  6. Read a good book or watch a TV show you’ve been meaning to check out
  7. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
  8. Start a journal
  9. Get your sweat on and do some exercise
  10. Have meaningful conversations
  11. Set boundaries and learn to say no

Source: Bolde

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