6 Ways to Deal With Work Burnout!

Try to figure out the reason. - The reason you’re so burnt out could be something you can change! If you can pinpoint the reason for your exhaustion, it might be worth a convo with your boss.

Do something relaxing every day. - Yep, EVERY day. Have a cup of tea, take some time to read, do whatever it is you do to relax.

Take some time off. - If you can get away with it, definitely go on vacation. Unplug!

Have better mornings. - Do something so that waking up every morning isn’t such a drag. Give yourself time in the morning to sit and have a cup of coffee.

Take your lunch break. - Stop working through lunch! You need the break.

Limit technology after work. - It’s time to unplug when you’re at home. Leave your work at work if you can.

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