Chocolate Easter Bunny Eating Techniques Reveals Your Personality

Ears First:  Eating the ears first people are practical, organized and traditional. They value security and are extremely loyal. Everyone loves them. Their greatest weakness is impatience.  

Tail First: Tails first eaters believe in taking the path less taken. They tend to be cautious and perhaps sneaky. So be careful where you put your trust.

Eyes First: Restless and independent, always on the move.  These ambitious go-getters like to get the heavy lifting out of the way first. They make friends easily.

Sniff It First: Cautious and deliberate, sniffers tend to have high standards and pay close attention to detail.  They are very polite and self restrained because they worry that others will discover that they are all weirdos.

Lick It First: They are fun, vibrant and exciting. Everyone thinks they’re sexy.  Most people don’t realize lickers lick their bunnies so that no one else will want any.

Smash It Into Pieces First: Bunny smashers are ambitious and filled with enthusiasm. They often have a “just do it” no-nonsense approach to life. People tend to stay out of their way, they are a bit unpredictable.

Paws First: Those who eat the paws first are kind, sympathetic and nurturing. Feelings of insecurity are their greatest weakness and they tend to be afraid of being taken advantage of. 

Bite or Snap It In Half: These pessimists always approach life with the glass is half empty. Rather than confront the sad emptiness of a hollow bunny, rejoice at the ease in eating this chocolate delight.

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